Age of wonders 3 best warlord race
Age of wonders 3 best warlord race

age of wonders 3 best warlord race

  • Bat Out of Hell: The Harrier is an alien creature which the Amazons ride into battle as air-cavalry, it appears to resemble bats and pterosaurs.
  • Attack Animal: Half of their units consist of these such as the Shrike, Arborian Sentinel, and the Tyrannodon.
  • Army Scout: The Shrikes are their flying scouts, with their ability to fly and Farsight extending their vision, they can bypass natural barriers to scout out the map.
  • Generations later, they developed into an all-female species who have grown to dominate and utilize their environment.

    age of wonders 3 best warlord race

    In order to survive, they resorted to their own experimental genetic alterations. When the Star Union collapsed, a group of bio-engineers were trapped on an untamed planet. This ability to manipulate life extends through all aspects of Amazon culture, they see each world as a canvas, ready to be painted into a paradise. What befell the men of the expedition is a tightly kept secret, but the Amazon now rely on biotechnological methods to procreate. After the fall of the Unions, a Terratech expedition was trapped on a remote world.

    age of wonders 3 best warlord race

    ORIGIN: The Amazons originate from the Terratech BioTech & Terraforming Company that prepared newly conquered planet for habitation by the Star Union.

    Age of wonders 3 best warlord race